offers->offer as $offeritem) {
//lets use a custom tracking domain for the links :)
$offeritem->offerlink = str_replace('','',$offeritem->offerlink);
//uncomment below if you want to display a point value.
//$points = floatval($offeritem->payout) * 100; //lets make offers worth $1.20 appear as 120 points.
//echo 'Earn '.$points.' Points
'; echo ''.$offeritem->title.'
'; //uncomment to show offers description //echo $offeritem->description.'
'; //uncomment to show offers image //echo '
echo 'Sorry there are no offers available for your region at this time.';
echo 'error fetching xml offer feed: '. $output;
'; echo ''.$offeritem->title.'
'; //uncomment to show offers description //echo $offeritem->description.'
'; //uncomment to show offers image //echo '